ACE Professional Profile

Darcy Dau


Darcy Dau

Minneapolis, Minnesota USA 55410


“My focus is on you and creating the best you possible! With the combination of the nutrition counseling and high intensity performance training there is, be ready to fuel the body and feel the burn with a combination of these muscle building, fat melting exercises! The extent of one’s potential may only be discovered with the start of something new. I challenge you to exceed expectations as together we take your training to the next level and achieve the results you aspire. I specialize in sport specific training and functional movements with the use of a lot of plyometric and core stability strength. Healthy habits make healthy living and I am ready to help you change your life…for GOOD!” Darcy Dau

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

14 Expired

Programs and Rates

Private Personal Training Sessions: $80.00
Group Fitness Sessions: $30.00

Years in the Industry

2-5 years

Areas of Focus

Group Fitness
Strength Training

Specialist Programs
