ACE Professional Profile

Edmund Ruge


Edmund Ruge

New York, NY US 10128

(914) 433-2463


Hey there! My name is Edmund and I currently work at Equinox Columbus Circle, though I am open to private training as well. I come from a strength background, but currently train myself for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and overall conditioning. I've succeeded in assisting my clients with weight loss, overall body toning, and muscle gain consistently over the two years. If you'd like to hear more, contact me!

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

15 Expired

Programs and Rates

Contact Me

Years in the Industry

2-5 years

Areas of Focus

Disease Considerations
Group Fitness
Martial Arts and MMA
Strength Training
Bodyweight Training
Core Training
Sports Performance
Weight Management
Women's Health

Specialist Programs
