ACE Professional Profile

Simona Kovacic


Simona Kovacic

Chicago, Illinois US 60642


My goal is to help educate people on living healthy and lean, with an emphasis on balance. I work with individuals and small groups to create fitness routines that will suit and enhance their lifestyles. As a former competitive gymnast, an NCAA scholarship track and field athlete, and former Big Ten Champion, I have spent 25 years learning and mastering strength and conditioning exercises and routines. Not only am I an ACE certified personal trainer, but I am also a certified gymnastics coach, and have had the privilege of learning through my many highly qualified nutritionists, trainers, and gymnastics, track and field, and strength and conditioning coaches. I do not believe that expensive equipment and gym memberships are necessary to achieve a strong and healthy body. While I have many years of weight-lifting experience, and can teach exercises using weights, I specialize in creating conditioning workouts that take place in and around the home or office, using body weight as resistance. I strive to ensure that my clients have the information and resources to live healthy and fit, and to create programs that they can sustain in there daily lives.

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

15 Expired

Programs and Rates

Contact Me

Years in the Industry

2-5 years

Areas of Focus

Group Fitness
Weight Loss / Weight Management

Specialist Programs
