ACE Professional Profile

Becky Pfenenger


Becky Pfenenger


(573) 338-3000


My training as a collegiate athlete led me to the field of Sports Medicine. I realized that I wanted to help injured athletes get back to doing what they love. Through obtaining my degree I also found my love of teaching. In the course of the past twenty years I have been able to coach girls basketball for twelve years, at levels ranging from junior high to high school, and coaching my children at the pre-k and elementary levels. I also love teaching in the class room which I was blessed to be able to do for two years. The past 12 years I have been blessed to touch the lives of people from 3-90 years of age. My mission is to teach all ages how to lead a functional, fit, and healthy lifestyle. I want everyone to be able to live a life being physically strong enough to do whatever kind of activity they love to do.

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

18 Expired

Programs and Rates

Contact Me

Years in the Industry

6-10 years

Areas of Focus

Corrective Exercise
Group Fitness
Strength Training
Weight Management

Specialist Programs
