ACE Professional Profile

James Pencola Sr


James Pencola Sr

Gapland, MD US 21779


Future client, My name is James Pencola I became ACE certified on May23,2008. After four attempts, countless hours of study and practical application. My determination, perserverance and hardwork payed off. If you need a caring, empathetic, positive outlook combined with the knowledge that will help you reach your goals look no further! At age 14 I was involved in a serious car accident that put me in a coma. After nine months of rehabilitation and overcoming a body that wouldn't work. I began exercising in order to enhnance my recovery. Through my experience I have become empathetic and caring toward people with similar struggles. Exercise as I understand it is not just about looking good in a bikini it is also about overcoming tragic circumstances. Today I have retaught myself to walk, I have balanced my muscular weaknesses, I am a student of body building legend Frank Zane. No matter what your goals are I am confident that I have the skills to help you to attaining them "Leave the past where it came from strain toward the future."

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

16 Expired

Programs and Rates

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Years in the Industry

0-1 years

Areas of Focus

Disease Considerations

Specialist Programs
