ACE Professional Profile

Richard Geres


Richard Geres

St. Julians, - MT STJ33



Are you looking for professional help to lose weight, improve your well-being and get in shape? I can help you! With over 20 years experience in working as a full-time Trainer and Club owner I have worked with literally thousands of individuals who wanted to lose weight, look better and get healthier. Anybody can do it, and so can you! I will provide you with a exercise programme and nutritional guidance that has been tried and tested in the field and always yields great results. And most importantly, you will receive my support and a daily motivational dosage to help you follow through on your plans to a healthier, fitter and leaner YOU! I am also a state-registered nutritionist with an MSc in Nutritional Medicine, and provide nutrition guidance and coaching to all our clients. Call me on(+356) 999 77 444 and let's meet to talk about how together we can make a huge positive change in your life! Email: Web:

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

19 Expired

Programs and Rates

Contact Me

Years in the Industry

16-20 years

Areas of Focus

Active Aging
Disease Considerations

Specialist Programs
