ACE Professional Profile

Julie Lombardo


Julie Lombardo



It all started innocently enough. I was working my way through college, studying Broadcast Journalism with a minor in Linguistics. The world of voice-over called to me, and I had to respond. It was exciting to narrate books on tape and write for national magazines. And during this time, I became interested in fitness and started my own exercise program. The result was improved strength, endurance, greater self-confidence and a wonderful sense of accomplishment. Power walking turned into running and the months turned into years. Before I knew it, I was in the marathon circuit and spending a lot of time in gyms within a 20 mile radius. Others in the gym, whether on their high school track team or simply looking for advice, were asking me lots of questions. I knew it was time to become certified so I would have the knowledge to adequately respond to them. I earned my certification as a personal trainer, and later earned a second certification as a Group Fitness Instructor, both through ACE. In the course of my personal training career, I have worked with clients who have survived electrocution, cancer, heart attack, stroke, diabetes, polio, hypertension, fatty liver disease, morbid obesity, knee replacement and more. Due to the amount of clients with serious medical conditions, I will be teaching group classes to address this special population. It is tremendously gratifying to start with an unfit client and see that individual's body - and spirit - literally transform itself.

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

18 Expired

Programs and Rates

Private Personal Training Sessions: $75.00
Semi-private / Small Group Training: $25.00

Years in the Industry

6-10 years

Areas of Focus

Active Aging
Disease Considerations
Strength Training

Specialist Programs
