ACE Professional Profile

Cornel Dayvs


Cornel Dayvs

San Jose, CA US 95112

(408) 781-2653


I have had the honor and privilege in helping assist my clients in reaching their fitness goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle for over 20 years. I consider myself one lucky individual in that everyday I get to witness positive change in a persons physical and mental self. This drives me and gives me a real sense of accomplishment.

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

18 Expired

Programs and Rates

Contact Me

Years in the Industry

21+ years

Areas of Focus

Corrective Exercise
Disease Considerations
Pre-Post Natal
Nutrition for Health and Wellness
Sports Nutrition
Weight Loss / Weight Management
Specialized Equipment Training
Kettlebell Training
Olympic Lifting
Strength Training
Weight Management
Women's Health

Specialist Programs
