ACE Professional Profile

Lindsey Camus


Lindsey Camus


(219) 781-0605


Hello! My name is Lindsey Camus and I am just starting out my personal training career as of May 2014. I have been interested in exercise and fitness my whole life. I started practicing yoga in 2012 and plan on becoming a certified yoga instructor within the next year. I am regularly at the gym, and also enjoy running outside with my dogs :) I love the challenge of training a variety of clients with entirely different goals and wishes; I look forward to that weekly weigh in and seeing the difference in weight, and the satisfaction on the clients' faces after seeing the numbers go down or up- closer to their goal. Nutrition is just as important as exercise. I specialize in diet tips and advice and will gladly give out guidance to my clients to help them stay on track to reach their goals. Yoga is a lot more than just stretching and poses. Yoga allows you to open your mind to the experience of your inner self and tap into a deeper reservoir of strength and peace. Through yoga, you have the ability to tune into your highest potential every day and make your world stress free and a better place. I currently work at Anytime Fitness, St. John-IN. We will be expanding soon and -with fingers crossed- I will be teaching yoga classes there throughout the week!

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

10 Expired

Programs and Rates

Contact Me

Years in the Industry

0-1 years

Areas of Focus

Nutrition for Health and Wellness
Specialized Equipment Training
Kettlebell Training
Strength Training
Balance Training
Core Training
Flexibility Training

Specialist Programs
