ACE Professional Profile

Serena Jackson


Serena Jackson

Fort Washington, MD US 20744

(240) 264-7573


A well-rounded, down to earth individual whom loves celebrating and developing the body. With experience in program design and a plethora of training categories from core, body weight, resistance and etc, let me help you exceed your expectations. Posture, Pace and Progression over Rushed Unsatisfactory Perfection. Don't worry, you will meet your goals.. Briefly. You will get a chance to wave at them and move far beyond them. No matter what level you are on we will spend time building and developing past and current stages while beautifully progressing to new ones. Let me help build your body To not only meet your goals but improve activities of your daily living as well. :-) With a bachelors in Sociology and ACE Certified, I have an advantage as to effectively understanding the mechanics of society and how it interrelates with the demands, normatives and the consistent evolving of wellness and fitness of individuals from sedentary to busy lifestyles. As we build your body we will also develop a renewed relationship amongst your mind and body to bring a holistic wellness which will extend well beyond our sessions. My experience and knowledge allows an array of techniques which allows me to provide assistance to all age groups (youth to older adults) and majority population. I also provide home-based workouts in which I will come to you and design programs utilizing everything within your home :-)

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

9 Expired

Programs and Rates

Contact Me

Years in the Industry

0-1 years

Areas of Focus

Specialized Equipment Training
Strength Training
Balance Training
Bodyweight Training
Core Training
Endurance Sports
Flexibility Training
Functional Training
Movement-based Training
Sports Performance

Specialist Programs
