ACE Professional Profile

Jacqueline Callahan


Jacqueline Callahan

Newfields, MA US 03856


I enjoy yoga, snowboarding, dancing and gymnastics. I have been involved in fitness since I was a child and usually participated in one or two sports at a time. I enjoy teaching, which is also my full-time profession. My background is in health and I recently got a masters of arts in business. I have been teaching and practicing yoga for several years and love to incorporate yoga into training sessions. I am also available for private yoga or small group lesson instruction. I have trained adults, older adults, and also children in sport specific training and general fitness. I am creative and fun and able to keep you motivated so that you can achieve your fitness goals.

Ace Certifications

Years Certified with Ace

18 Expired

Programs and Rates

Contact Me

Years in the Industry

6-10 years

Areas of Focus

Group Fitness
Strength Training
Sports Performance

Specialist Programs
