ACE Professional Profile

Patricia Anderson Myers


Patricia Anderson Myers



ACE Certified Group Fitness Instructor seeking progressive fitness center for weekly and substitute class instruction in Step Aerobics, Zumba, Spinning, Barre, Kickboxing and Body conditioning. I also specialize in Christian Aerobics and Christian Line Dancing. Uplifting music and choreography challenge students to persevere to accomplish their fitness goals. I am always willing to learn new fitness skills and activities. What keeps me motivated: helping the student get the most out of a class and to find enjoyment in being fit. I love to see pride on a student’s face when they get a routine they thought they would never get. I enjoy teaching and have been doing aerobics since 1982. I believe that I can be an inspiration to others- I lost 60 pounds in 1993 and have kept it off by staying aerobically fit.

Ace Certifications

Group Fitness Instructor

Years Certified with Ace


Programs and Rates

Contact Me

Years in the Industry

21+ years

Areas of Focus

Disease Considerations
Group Fitness
Core Training
Dance-based Programs
Group Strength
Indoor Cycling
Kickboxing and Boxing
Step/Traditional Aerobics
Nutrition for Health and Wellness
Strength Training
Core Training
Pilates (Mat Training)
Women's Health

Specialist Programs

Fitness Nutrition


Group Fitness Instructor Specific Information

Years of Experience

21+ years

Preferred Formats

Aerobics, Studio Cycling, Pilates, Step, Kickboxing, Resistance, Other